The Beardmore Family Album is a 118-page 5" X 7" album of letters, notes, newspaper clippings, memoriums and other genealogical material compiled over at least a 50-year period by various members of the Beardmore family. It most likely was started in the 1850s by Mary Owen Beardmore with assistance from her father Joshua Beardmore, before passing to Mary's niece Frances Mary "Mariette" Dobson, and then to Mariette's brother Rev. Henry Leslie Beardmore. Although it contains contributions from all, Mary Owen Beardmore appears to be responsible for most of the material in the album, with the earliest entries being notes dating back to the 1830s that were written by her father Joshua on separate pieces of paper, and subsequently pasted by Mary into the album. There is at least one entry by Joshua that is cut from the page of a bible, which was purchased in 1757 by his uncle William Beardmore. Mary and Mariette's album appeared in 2008 as lot 215D in an online auction of Bloomsbury House in London, and subsequently passed through two or three antique dealers before being acquired in 2013 by Mike Clark. Selected entries in the album follow in chronologic order.
Beardmore, Joshua - Family & Personal Notes[The album entries of Joshua Beardmore that follow are present as scraps of paper pasted by Mary Owen Beardmore into the album. These are written in a neat, easy-to-read English script.]
[Joshua's Notes on the death of his father]1824 16 Octo. ![]() On the 28th of the above month my dear most kind and generous Father who was of a great & most noble disposition when fairly used died in great calmness & tranquililty at the advanced age of 83 after only 6 days of indisposition at my sister's House Juniper Hall in Dorking Surrey Joshua Beardmore
God Almighty grant my end to be like his & my children to inherit his goodness & disposition & to die humbly hoping and trusting only in J. Christ our B. Savior
[The miniature picture on the right is pasted into the album on the page opposite the above entry]
[Joshua's Notes on family birth & death dates][Below are notes on family birth and death dates written by Joshua Beardmore in a daily book of bible versus. Mary Owen Beardmore subsequently cut these notes out and pasted them, along with part of the title page for the book, in the Beardmore family album. Although we do not know the title of this verse book, it was published in 1790 by Thompson in Birmingham. Shown in brackets are the printed verse headings in the book, followed by transcripts of Joshua's notes, which were originally hand written in his easy-to-read, flourishing script.] [written at the top of the title page are JRB:___: @ Boxmoor 7/8/52}
[Joshua's Notes on his own birth]William Bearmore
Joshua Beardmore born Jan. 15th 1787 who is the fifth Nephew of the above Wm Beardmore who was the eldest brother of my Father Joseph : and I was born at No. 38 MMilk Street Cheapside & baptized there by the Rev. John Wesley; tho' not entered in the Parish Register. Memor. this 5th day of March 1860 at Croydon
Born exactly 30 years after my Uncle bought this Bible
[Joshua's Notes on his residences]Joshua Beardmore Widower
[Joshua's Notes on his final illness]Sept. 16th /59 I had a better and less disturbed night than any since my illness began 4 1/2 months since. My eye naders [should be spelled nadirs - when his eye reaches its lowest point] very much by day - I think I will try the leech tomorrow to the temple of my bad eye - My well eye continues all right seemingly except in not bearing the sun - May I be thankful and make the best of things, and of my condition in my 73rd year -
Waterhouse, Henry (1864) - Letter to Nathaniel Beardmore
[Henry Waterhouse (1834-1902) lived in St. Nicholas, Nottinghm in 1861 UK census. He was born 1834 in Chesterfield, Derbyshire. This would make him about 30 years old when this letter was written. His mother is Emma Melissa Beardmore (1811-1883). She was the daughter of George Beardmore, and she was born in Nottingham. Her son Henry appears to have written some sort of book of note, but we do not yet know the details. The handwriting in his letter is quite difficult to read and transcribe. It is written to Nathaniel Beardmore (1816-1872), the engineer, who was living in Broxbourne, Hertfordshire at the time.] Newstead Grove
To N[athaniel] Beardmore Esq.
Having interested myself for some time past in endeavering to collect and classify the various branches of the Beardmore family into a genealogical series, I trust you will accept my apology for telling you, when I solicit whatever information you may possess relative to the subject, with particulars of your pedigree as it can be traced : a copy of the arms you bear, together with the date of the grant and any motto that you may use, or know to have belonged to any branch of the family; And in return upon the completion of my researches I shall be much happy to exchange with you whatever information I have been able to gleen. I have consulted many such authorities as Burke, Dougdale, Humber, Lipscombe, Lodge & others & have searched through the Lansdown, Cotternian & other M S S [manuscripts] but have failed in either satisfying myself or of learning any information worthy of mention. From an old tradition in the family it is believed they came into the Midland from the Northern counties. It is certain that for over the last 200 years the family have ever maintained an honorable, sturdy, & honest hearted character in this neighborhood, where some after acquiring considerable wealth, have departed for other districts, and of the once numerous family, there remains but two survivors representing the family name : Though there are many offshoots of the commoner stock known to be living in the southern counties, one of which I believe to be of your own, but in which degree related or how connected at present I am at a loss to tell. The late George Beardmore of Chesterfield Esq was the head of the family in this neighborhood had a copy of arms borne by some of the family during the 17th Century, but the copy Joseph married and had issue Jonathan and from him are descended the Beardmores of Essex, London & Hamilton Traced w text & Authenticity. Can you inform me to which Joshua Beardmore
Amy May 17 1777 or in which manner the Rt Hon Mr Ellice [a Member of Parliament] ___ connected with the family? did he not marry one of the name? or in what way related to us the Rev Scrope Berdmore DD [Doctor of Divinity] Prebendary of Southwell, warden of Merton College Oxford Rector of St Mary's Nottigham [another place name B__________ in the margin cannot be deciphered] he was buried in 1812 he as well as the 2 nieces (Berdmores) buried in St, Mary's ____ all of the family here located among others by the late G Beardmore of Chesterfield Esq in the capacity or ________________ condition of _____________ I also ask if you could inform me on when the name changed from Berdmore to Beardmore? I am Sir
Henry Waterhouse N[athaniel] Beardmore Esq
My Father's name is Joshua, the eldest son of Joseph & Mary Beardmore, Joseph Beardmore was one of several brothers who came to London to seek their fortune, being an honest upright person he had success in life, had a large business in Hosiery and Soldiers Crimson silk sashes are among my earliest recollections, they were made of the finest Italian silk and no Cotton intermingled as is the fashion in everything made in the present day. There were three Miss Owens who lived at Publow in Somersetshire they three heard Charles [name crossed out and John substituted] Wesley preach, became his devoted followers so that my Father was the child of many prayers for his dear Mother was one of these Miss Owens, Mary, we only know her from the accounts of her piety and love for she died after long and lingering illness of heart complaint in 1809. [Note in margin: See a scant account of her last days in my Aunt Wathen's writing among my manuscript books] She had three daughters Eliza, Mary and Frances, Mary married in 1804 Nathaniel Wathen Eliza and Frances visited their dear mother untiringly particularly my Aunt Frances who was the most thoughtful of nurses. There was another brother Joseph, very dear is his memory to me for he loved my dear Mother and was ever kind to her. I remember him well and his bedroom his wardrobes, his many boots [Note in margin: he left 29 pairs of the most beautiful kind], his whips & his running down stairs one day in Hermitage place pretending to horsewhip some one, he was taken away from us girls early in life, Aunt Frances nursed him at my Aunt Wathen's house in Stroud, thus I never had afterwards that treasure of treasures an own Uncle who helped with many relations in life. The Miss Owens had an only brother John who entered the Church, went out to Indian as Chaplain in [blank space waiting for entry of date] returned in [blank space waiting for date entry] He became Chaplain general to Majesty's Forces went [last third of page is blank] After my Uncle Owen returned from Portugal he lived with my Grandpapa [Joseph Beardmore] and my two Aunts at Canonbury near London and always had a desk standing near the fire with great quarto books upon it which he brought from the Stationer's Hall Library, then the best in London and which he on one side of the Fire and Grandfather on the other side used to read all the evening. Aunt Eliza sat in the middle. In the year 1807 at Nottingham my dear Father first saw my dear Mother, she was very beautiful talented and accomplished he loved her ardently and after some years they were married in the spring of (April 24 1812) [Note in margin: Date April 24 in the church at Castlegate]. Mama's name was Marianne Dorothea she was born in the year 29th of August 1789 the only daughter by the second marriage of George Lissant Cox and Mary Barker. [Note in margin ; see all Mr. Jerram's letters in the Mahogany Book]Mamma [the word she is crossed out] had two brothers one born in [blank space waiting for entry of place] died in the very flower of his youth at the Rev. and Charles Jerram's he was as clever as Mamma and they were of one mind on religion - his illness was short. my Grandmamma was inconsolable her whole heart was wrapped up in her boy - two years afterwards another was given her so that I had an own Uncle one year older than myself - but he too died suddenly at school at Southeade [not sure on spelling of place name] aged 16 so Grandmama and Grandpapa had only their Marianne left and she was destined to be for many years far away from them employed in bringing up on a small income her very large family 11 children, and they were indeed desolate. For four years after their marriage Papa and Mamma lived in Nottingham there, I their eldest was born and named after my father's sainted Mother Mary Owen; Frederic and Nathaniel were also born there; I remember a horse Papa was very fond of and also seeing the place where mamma was thrown out of a gig and had her arm broken where Nath'l was a baby and she was nursing him. But my earliest distinct recollections are the long Coach journey to London when I was four years old with our servant Hannah, I remember saying many Latin lines to boy [unknown word crossed out] beginning ______ ______ [two indeterminate capitalized Latin words] Papa was very fond of teaching us to recite Latin and in every way I was taught all I could learn Mamma was fond of Latin she had read much with her beloved brother and it was intended that I should be a good Latin scholar. When I got to Canonbury I was sorry not to find Aunt Frances at home but she was at Stroud nursing someone who was ill, here I [a page of the entries may be missing here] Copy of the inscription in the Beardmore Tomb in the burial ground of the Wesleyan Chapel in the City Road, London. On the slab Mrs Hannah Owen
William Ford Esq
[note in margin: W Ford married Hannah Owen daughter of the above H Owen She was buried at Wyke Weymouth] William Beardmore Esq
Mrs Mary Beardmore
Joseph Beardmore Esq
Mrs Mary Wathen
On the West End |of the same tomb| John Owen Beardmore
Interred in Bunhill Fields is another little son of the above Joseph & Mary Beardmore Joseph Beardmore
This death with his little brother's is also recorded on an oval locket [the word broach is crossed out] given by my Aunt Pine (nee Owens) to my Aunt Eliza now in possession of my Aunt Frances B. This locket was given to me Mary Owen Beardmore after my Aunt Frances died in 1868.
Juniper Hall
My dear Mary, We are very sorry that you are so poorly. The following are, I believe, correct replies to your queries received to-day.
Joseph Beardmore our own grandfather, died October 28th 1829 & was buried in the family vault in the burial ground of the City Road Wesley Chapel London His son Joshua (your father) was born January 15th 1787 and married April 24th 1812 Your brother Frederick was born March 23, 1814. I have two notes to-day from __ O________ [cannot make out the name] making enquiries about the Nottingham and Bethnal Green property & begging me to call on him - which I hope to do to-morrow. I will then give him the foregoing particulars & will also tell him that your mother died on the 14th of October 1855 & your father on the 9th of June 1860. This may save you the trouble of writing to him yourself. Hoping that you will be well again. Believe me
Miss M. O. Beardmore [Notes on the Beardmore Family vault and on the Rev John Wesley - Unsigned, but the handwriting indicates Mary Owen Beardmore is probably the author] Near the Northern boundary of the grave yard of the City Road Chapel & within a few steps of the burial place of the Rev. John Wesley is a vault of the Owen & Beardmore family. Eight members of that family lie in this vault, namely (1) Hannah Owen who died in 1785 (2) John Owen Beardmore died 1786 (3) Wm Beardmore died 1786 (4) Wm Ford died 1788 (5) Wm Beardmore died 1809 (6) Mary Beardmore died 1809 (7) Joseph Beardmore died 1829 & (8) Mary Wathen died 1838. Mrs Owen (No 1) was the mother of Mrs Beardmore (No 6) who was the wife of Joseph Beardmore (No 7) & the mother of John Owen Beardmore (No 2) Wm Beardmore (No 3) & Mary Wathen (No 8) Mrs. Owen & Mr & Mrs Beardmore were personal friends of the Rev John Wesley For some years prior to 1780 Mrs Owen resided in the village of Publow near Pensford in Somersetshire (about 7 miles from Britol), with her three daughters, Elizabeth, afterwards Mrs. Pine, Hannah, Frances, afterwards Mrs. Ford (the wife of Wm Ford who was buried in this vault) & Mary, afterewards Mrs Beardmore. For more than half a century (1739-1790) Pensford was one of Mr. Wesleys preaching stations, & his journal records several visits which he paid to the Owen family - he uniformly speaks of thenm with respect & affection repeatedly referring to them as "the lovely family at Publow". Mr Joseph Beardmore & wife Mary Owen were married at Camberwell on the 2nd of January 1776. They at first resided in London and afterwards at Islington & they were amongst Wesley's church of England friends who helped forward the building of the City Road chapel. Mr Beardmore was one of the original trustees (but query) Mr Wesley's journal records that the first meeting for consultation as to the erection of the chapel occurred on the 1st of March 1776 & that he opened the chapel on the 1st of November 1778. Within 7 years, his friend Mrs Owen was buried in this her family vault, and between 5 or 6 years later in March 1791 Mr Wesley himself in his 88th year was laid in his vault close by. Mrs Owens grand-daughter, the late Frances Bearmdore, was the last or nearly the last infant baptized by Mr Wesley. She was the youngest child of Mr and Mrs Beardmore & was born almost 8 months before Mr wesley's death. Mrs Pine, who continued to reside at Publow for a few years after the marriages of her sisters & is often referred to in the Journal; as "Miss Owen" was held in special esteem by Mr Wesley for her educational powers, particularly in their religious aspect. And this lady with the help of her family, founded at Pensford a school of poor children which is still flourishing and a blessing to the district. She was for many years a friend & supporter of the Wesleyan interest in Bristol. It is well known that Mr Wesley was beloved & venerated by not only a large body of the Laity of the Church of England but also by way of its Clergy. A practical illustration occurs in connection with the name of Joseph Beardmore : and as the circumstance is not known to be recorded elsewhere, it seems well to mention it here. A Clergyman who lived at Birling in Kent, the Rev Edward Holme held Wesley in such veneration that it was his practice to wait for him instead of sitting with him at the table. Mr Holme died shortly before Mr Wesley having devoted the bulk of his property to the foundation of 3 Chrity Schools at Leybourne, East Malling and Southborough, in Kent, & having vested the property & the mangement in trustees selected from Mr Wesley's fiends one whom was Mr Beardmore. These schools still flourish. September 1870 Written behind the Original miniature of your dear Mother by our father. Marianne Dorothea Beardmore was only Daughter of George Lissant Cox and Mary (nee Barber) His second wife. Born at Leen Side Nottinghamshire 29 Aug 1789. This matchless portrait was painted by Millett when she was ten or eleven years of age - Viz in the years 1799 or 1800 and is now 55 or 56 years afterwards given by her poor surviving Husband to their Second Daughter Clemency Marianne, her assiduous & ever watchful Nurse thru sufferings and long illnesses which were borne with exemplary patience & holy resignation Given this Birthday 9 Nov 1855 by me Joshua Beardmore Boxmoor Hemel Hempstead Herts Few mothers have been created more care taking, more precious or more industrious, She bore 7 sons and 4 daughters and never lost one until the youngest was above 23 years of age!! We were married on the 24th of April 1812 at St Mary's Nottingham. She left us for the personal Presence & Sacrifice last Month on Sunday the 14th day at 1/4 past 10 p.m!!!!! [A saying of Jesus written in Latin follows - have not transcribed this yet] This minature was lent to Mary Owen Beardmore the eldest daughter to be copied by Edward D Smith Brighton in December 1868 who copied it in minature which copy is in my possession. Photographs also were taken of it and given to my Brothers and Sisters and many of her grandchildren M O B - July 5, 1872. June 16 . 1883 The portrait [now missing] of Hannah Frances Ford one of the three Miss Owens sisters of Archdeacon Owen. This was done by [Joseph?] Slater whose forte was these Crayon portraits. Slater was a great friend of the Beardmores. Archdeacon Owen was fond of each and spent much time in Bacon's studio who married a relative. H Ford was buried at Wyke 1820 near Weymouth, leaving two daughters who never married. My Aunt Eliza had a copy [of this painting] made by Slater but never had this fine original. It is mentioned in the volume lately printed about [John] Opie Mary Owen Beardmore
[Bacon's studio refers to the studio of English sculpter John Bacon (1777-1859), the son and successor of English Sculpter John Bacon, RA. The studio was at 17 Newman Street in London, and not only was John Bacon, Jr. born there in 1777, and lived there for a large part of his life, but up until 1824 it served as his studio as well.] [Slater could refer to either the portrait artist Joseph slater (c.1779-1837), or to his younger brother Isaac Wane Slater (1784-1836), who was both an engraver and a miniature painter. We suspect that it is Joseph here being discussed, as the topic involves a portrait painter and not a miniature pinter, but we do not know for certain. Both Joseph and Isaac worked at times out of Bacon's studio at 17 Newman Street, and later both worked out of a shop/residence just down the street at 70 Newman. Joseph Slater is the likely painter of the formal portrait of Joseph Beardmore shown below left (shown here is a photograph from the Beardmore album of a mezzotint engraving of the portrait). However, both the Wathen and the Beardmore families had miniatures that were almost cerainly executed by Issac Wane Slater, particulary the miniature below right of Joshua Beardmore's uncle Nathaniel Wathen.] [Edward Norton Thornton (1770-1848), a nephew of William Ford (the brother-in-law of Hannah Owen Ford), married Eliza Bacon (b. 1774) on July 25, 1797 at St. Giles, Camberwell, Southwark. Eliza is the sister of the sculpter John Bacon, who is mentioned in the letter.] My dear Mariette I enclose a paper, showing the children of Joseph & Mary Beardmore our great grandparents.
I put this matter down, as we were speaking of Anne Thronton, as well as of Joseph Beardmore.
With own love
Joseph = Mary Owen (3rd d. of John & Hannah Owen)
ISSUE 5 sons, 3 dughters. This is the only marriage in Owen Family. Which has brought descendants to the present time. |
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