Elizabeth Boswell PettusThe Democrat (Huntsville), Wednesday, March 11, 1835, col. 3, page 6. DIED - In Madison County, Ala : on the 27th of January, 1835, MRS. PETTUS, consort of Mr. David Pettus, in the 50th year of her age. This pious and highly repectable lady was born of reputable parents in Virginia, in which State she was educated and married, made a profession of religion, and lived for some years in an irreproachable member pf the Baptist Church. She then removed to Madison County, Ala., and, after living for some time without connecting herself to any christian society, and being dissatisfied in such a condition, she became a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. In this church she continued a devoted servant of Christ, and an affectionate wife and tender mother. On the fifth day of her illness, sensible that the time of her departure was at hand, she called her husband and told him that she must leave him, but that she was not afraid to die - that the Lord was with her in the valley and shadow of death. She then called her children, and having exhorted them separately to meet in her heaven, she bade them a long farewell and calmly reclined in the arms of death. If thus go the death of the righteous, may not each of us say, let my last end be like her's. Mrs. Pettus left a husband, five children, and a large circle of acqaintances to bemoan her loss. But they need not be without hope. Though the dispensations of Providence are often inscrutable, they are all designed for his glory and out good. And nowithstanding his children, through the weakness of the flesh, may relocate his dark dispensations, when they arrive in perfect happiness and glory, God will doubtless be blessed for all his providences.
John Iverson PettusThe Democrat (Huntsville), Saturday, August 24, 1826, col. 3, page 5. DIED in the 19th inst. at his father's residence in this county, JOHN IVERSON PETTUS, aged 23 years. He was a native of Mecklenburg county, Va. and for the last 19 months a citizen of Madison county. Mr. Pettus possessed a most amiable disposition, and was much beloved by all who knew him. He was a teacher for the neighborhood, and was highly qualified in a liberal education for the various duties of his occupation. His death is much regretted, and his loss severely felt by his numerous patrons.
Richard E. PettusThe Democrat (Huntsville), Friday, June 1, 1827, col. 3, page 4. DIED - On the evening of the 22 ult. in the 18th year of his age, Richard E. Pettus, son of Mr. David Pettus of this County. The deceased was a youth of unblemishable morals and amiable deportment. He was devoting his time and talents to the pursuit of Literature, with happy and distinguished success. "But the cruel spoiler came," and blasted the fond hopes of his distressed parents, and of a numerous and respectable kindred; who together with many firends lament his loss.
Viola Emmett PettusThe Southern Advocate (Huntsville), Thursday, December 16, 1858, col. 3, page 4. Near Pine Bluff, Jefferson County, Arkansas, on the 26th November, 1858, VIOLA EMMETT, daughter of Joseph C. and P.C. Pettus, aged about five years.
James H. ThompsonWeekly Mercury (Huntsville), wednesday, June 12, 1901, col. 4, p. 8. JAMES H. THOMPSON Death of a Prominent Citizen of Meridianville He Died Last Night After a Painful Illness Jas H. Thompson, a prominet citizen of Meridianville, died last night at 8 o'clock at his home in that place after a protracted and painful illness. Mr. Thompson was a consistent member of the Methodist Church and was a valued citizen in his community. His death is generally deplored. He leaves a wife and two sons. Mr. Thompson was 49 years old. He was a brother of Messrs. W.I. and J.O. Thompson of this city. The funeral will be conducted from the late residence in Meridianville at 8:300 o'clck this morning by Rev. Reagan and interment will be made in the Pettus burying ground near Monrovia.
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