* Day of Week Calculator *
by Ben Buckner, revised by Danny Jones

Enter the date to calculate the day of the week for an historic or future year.  (then click the "Calculate" button):
Numeric Month (1-12):
Day of Month (1-31):
Year (eg. 1960):
Day of Week:
  • Use this calculator to find the day from the date. If you want to know what the day of the week was for a particular date and year, enter the month, day, and year above.
  • Use the day of the week calculator to fill in the narrative of any family history. Now you can give the day as well as the date for every event.
  • Find out the day of the week for baptisms and weddings many years ago. You may be surprised to find they did not take place on what we now consider traditional days.
  • Find out the day of the week you, and others in your family, were born.