Links to Climbing Sites

Shown below is a missing link who was recently found with a belay harness on in Rurp's guest bedroom. Scroll beneath our hairy rockman to find some great links to other climbing sites.

Dale Haas before his morning coffee

American Alpine Club (AAC)
Climbing Magazine
Colorado Mountain Club (CMC)
Rock and Ice Magazine
Rock n Road (a climbing area atlas)
Southern Sierra Climbers Association
Yosemite Primer by Bruiser Hildenbrand

resting our brains for the next ascent
links to other sites of worth?
a mind is a terrible
thing to waste


Return to Rurp Hardman and the Bigwall Kids.



Comfortably Numb Softball
(we relate to these numbsters)
baseball Ed Uhlir - coach and head Numbster the bouncing ball
baseball baseball
The Clinton Legacy
a man to be trusted
(a memorial to our former leader)
The Dilbert Zone
a spokesman for the CCI
(the working man's hero)
delve into the bizarre
weird sightings on the web
Monty Python Online
I'm not quite dead yet
a wonderful role model
Alfred E. Newman
(Our Savior)
learn about the world's great religions
a lesson in philosphy

(our mascot)
an American icon
the "unofficial" Bill Clinton
(Hillary's here too!)


this page was last updated on 3/12/2021 Copyright © 1998-2025 - Rurp Hardman, Inc.