Clown Climbing News
Jim Scanlan is reported to be alive and well somewhere north of Denver. Contact Dale "Hoss Haas" for details.
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Hot News! We now have an email contact for Scanlon! Check it out on the Members page!
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We have learned that a bear alert is now in place for the Canadian Rockies!
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Bruce Meister (alias "Scrotum Head" by his own admission) conquered a couple of Mexian volcanoes over Thanksgiving under duress of Montezumas Revenge. The word we have is that he left a trail behind him all the way up to the summit. Don't blame Rurp if he dosen't follow too closely behind Bruce on the next summit ascent!
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Numb Softball is all the rage these days in Davis, California. Check out Comfortably Numb Softball to find out how Coach Ed Uhlir keeps the numbsters on his team in line.
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Not content with mediocrity, the CCI has lined up an exciting slate of summer activities. Check it out to see what Hoss, Lummoix, and the rest will be up to next summer!
